2025 Membership Renewal Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Has your contact information changed? *NO. Skip to Section B.YES. Please complete Sections A and B below.A. Lake addressCity Mailing AddressSingle Line TextSingle Line TextPhone NumberYour EmailWe do not share our list with other organizations, and you can unsubscribe at any time. B. Please indicate if you are renewing as a Voting Membership$25 for one year VOTING Membership$50 for two year VOTING Membership Each property with frontage on the lake or with deeded access to the lake is eligible to have one Voting Member. Each Member is entitled to one vote. Membership runs from January 1 to December 31 of the current year.AND/OR if you are renewing an Associate Membership$10 for one year for each ASSOCIATE Membership (please indicate names in the comments section below)$20 for two years for each ASSOCIATE MembershipAdditional family members and anyone with direct interest in Palmerston Lake can support our mission by joining as Associate Members. An Associate is a non-voting member with the right to attend all meetings and participate on committees. Membership runs from January 1 to December 31 of the current year.PAYMENT: Please indicate the payment option you will use: *By eTransfer: please send an eTransfer from your online bank to PalmerstonLakeAssociation@gmail.comBy cheque payable to Palmerston Lake Association. Please mail to: Palmerton Lake Association, c/o R. Viets, 2025 10th Line Beckwith, Carleton Place, ON, K7C 0C4Please add any additional information or comments here:Thank you very much for your continued support. We are run entirely by volunteers and would appreciate your help. If you are interested in volunteering for committees or other important work, please select one of the options below:Membership CommitteeCommunication and Newsletter CommitteeLake Stewardship CommitteeFundraising and Finance CommitteeWebsite CommitteeOther as neededI would like to make a donation in the amount of: If making a donation, please indicate the payment option you will use. eTransfer from your online bank to PalmerstonLakeAssociation@gmail.comcheque payable to Palmerston Lake Association. Please mail to Palmerston Lake Association, c/o R. Viets, 2025 10th Line Beckwith, Carleton Place, ON, K7C 0C4PhoneSubmit