Membership in the PLA
Did you know that Palmerston Lake was rated one of the cleanest and most attractive lakes in Ontario? Do you want to ensure we keep it that way? A Lake Association is an important way we can come together as a community to identify common interests and goals in the stewardship of our shared resource and take appropriate actions to achieve them.
What’s in it for me? WATER! We all enjoy the water – fishing, boating, swimming, watersports, or sitting on the dock enjoying a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Join our collective voice in working to ensure that we can always continue to enjoy these activities within and beside pristine waters!
Benefits of membership:
- A VOICE: As a member, you can be a vibrant voice supporting the preservation of the lake now and for future generations.
- A COMMUNITY: You will have the opportunity to unite with a group of individuals whose collective voice can have an impact on ensuring the ongoing wellbeing of the lake.
- FUN: Joining the PLA offers a fun way to meet your neighbours who share similar interests and concerns about the lake.
- DISCOUNTS on cottage insurance and other items through our membership in FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations)
- INFORMATION: As a member, you will be updated on lake issues through ‘The Newsletter’, including on such items as the outcome of proposed water quality monitoring, invasive species monitoring or even loon protection and monitoring.
- EDUCATION: Educational opportunities, including guest speakers who will present interesting lake-related topics such as on wildlife and habitat, the history of land settlement, fish and their habitat, threatened and endangered species and more.
- Future benefits may include an active website with member access to: listings of local service providers (builders, boat service, marina, septic, fishing, etc.); classified ads; links to pertinent government information and services; and many more topics in response to member input.
- PARTICIPATION: There are unlimited ways to participate. PLA membership can also provide you with many opportunities according to your individual time commitments and expertise. Some ideas where we are seeking help today include: as board members, as educational workshop presenters, The Newsletter, and supporting fund raising for future projects.
The objectives of the Palmerston Lake Association are
- To promote the preservation of the quality and character of the lake and the surrounding environment.
- To encourage and educate all lake users on responsible personal and recreational use of the lake and the surrounding environment.
- To serve as a focal point for lake stewardship and improvement projects.
- To provide information concerning matters related to the lake community.
- To work and consult with the Township of North Frontenac and with Frontenac County in their development and application of policies, by-laws and regulations intended to improve the quality of the lakes and surrounding environment.
- To work with and assist the Ministries of the Environment, Natural Resources and Health, the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority and other government agencies and lake associations, in carrying out their responsibilities to preserve and enhance the natural environment and maintain good quality water in lakes and streams.
The Association’s recent activities include:
- Ran a workshop on how to deal with Eurasian Water Milfoil that has established colonies in the lake.
- Conducted a survey of members’ priorities and concerns regarding the health and enjoyment of the lake.
- Provide information concerning matters related to the lake community through our newsletter The Palmerston Post and our website.
- Work with and provide assistance to the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority for their water sampling program on the lake.
- Conduct our own regular water testing to participate in the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations (FOCA) Lake Partners Program.
- Attend workshops and seminars related to lake planning, septic systems, invasive species, climate change impact on lakes and various other topics.
- Keep informed of actions at the municipal level that could affect our members such as the new Zoning By-Law.
- Network with other lake associations through our membership in the North Frontenac Lake Association Alliance.