The Fish of Palmerston Lake

The pie chart shows the distribution of 10 fish species caught by the Ministry of Natural Resources using large mesh nets.  The Walleye species is not shown in the graph, but falls into the “Other” category at < 1%.  Additional species observed in small mesh nets were Bluenose Minnow, Golden Shiner, Northern Pike, and Spottail Shiner.  See the entire “Broad Scale Fisheries Monitoring Bulletin“, 2019 for Palmerston Lake.  Read about Lake Trout, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Rock Bass, Pumpkinseed, Brown Bullhead, Largemouth BassWhite Sucker, and Cisco.

Fishing Seasons and Limits:   See the Province’s official website here for complete information on seasons, limits and size restrictions for all species in Fisheries Management Zone 18, which includes Palmerston Lake.  A relevant excerpt is reproduced below.  


Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass


Lake Trout

Open season

3rd Saturday in June to Dec. 15


4th Saturday in May to September 8

Daily Catch Limit

Up to 6 (any combination) with a sport license and 2 with a conservation license. 

Up to 2 with a sport license and 1 with a conservation license.

The Ontario Conservation Officers Association asks that we report any poaching, abuses or theft of our natural resources QUICKLY and with as many DETAILS as possible.  Details can be found at this site

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