News Archive
September 2024
Drone Mapping
On Friday, September 20th, the weather was perfect and Wade Leonard successfully conducted a drone survey of parts of our lake, capturing images of areas affected by Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM). This survey is a crucial step in our ongoing efforts to understand the extent of EWM infiltration in our lake. Click here for further information and here for some pictures and a video taken on the day.
Underused housing tax affects non-Canadian cottagers.
Non-resident, non-Canadian cottagers must file a return to the Canada Revenue Agency by April 30 every year to receive an exemption from the Underused Housing tax. The Palmerston Lake postal code K0H 2J0 qualifies for an exemption, but failure to file a return could result in a $5000 fine.
Climate Change and Ontario Lakes
How is climate change affecting lakes in the Kingston area. Click here for more information and to register for this Feb 7, 2023 webinar by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks.
PLA Letter to Council
Several Directors attended the Public Meeting on January 13 regarding the application to amend the Official Plan to permit Rural Cooperative zoning on the lake and to construct 7 additional cottages and other structures at the gravel point property. Bruce Moore of the North Frontenac Lake Association Alliance (NFLAA) also attended the meeting. Since that time, the PLA executive has been working with the NFLAA to develop questions that should be addressed before Township Council makes a decision on this proposal. A copy of the letter that was emailed to the Township with those questions can be found here.
A copy of the development application is available on the Township’s website. If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding this proposal, we encourage you to send them to Tara Mieske, Clerk/Planning Manager, at with a copy to
Watersheds Canada Webinar
The Science Behind the Ribbon of Life: Why Vegetated Shoreline Buffers Matter
This webinar is hosted by Watersheds Canada and is free to all PLA members. November 28, 2022, 12:00 – 12:45 pm.
Click on the link for more information and to regist
September 2022 and Updated January 28, 2023
Palmerston Lake Shore Planting Project
- Information sheet
- Order form Orders must be submitted to MVCA by February 24, 2023 and will be available for pickup June 3, 2023 at the Ompah Community Centre.
Are you interested in adding trees and shrubs to your shoreline? The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) is offering Palmerston Lake Association (PLA) members an opportunity to order up to 15 trees/shrubs for a $25 donation to MVCA’s stewardship program.
Planting native trees and shrubs along the shoreline provides valuable wildlife habitat and helps control shoreline erosion, while also acting as a filter for pollutants and nutrients entering the lake through rainwater runoff.
To qualify you must be a member of the PLA, and the trees/shrubs must be planted within 45 m of the lake. If you wish to order more than 15 plants, additional plants will be available at cost.
Click on the Information Sheet link above for information about the trees and shrubs that are available and ordering instructions. Click on the order form link to download the order form.