Water Quality

Total Phosphorus

In Palmerston Lake, Total Phosphorus (TP) readings in recent years have been predominantly in the healthy oligotrophic range – below 10 μg/L.   TP is the nutrient that controls the growth of algae in most Ontario lakes. The Provincial Water Quality Objective for TP in inland lakes in Ontario is < 20 μg/L (micrograms per litre)   While some degree of TP is important for lake health to ensure productivity of aquatic life, readings consistently above 20 μg/L are often associated with nuisance, and potentially harmful, algae.  In Palmerston Lake, septic systems and naturally occurring organic material on the forest floor are the main sources of TP, especially during and after a rain event. 

 Phosphorous concentrations are also one of the main factors determining whether or not a lake will be deemed by the Province to have the capacity to tolerate further lakeside development.  Read about the Lake Shore Capacity Assessment planning tool the Province uses to assist in this determination. 

Other useful sources:

Further information can be found at the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change web site for water quality.  An interactive map can be found here and complete data files can be found here.  See also the  Palmerston Lake Stewardship Report presented at the 2019 AGM

Water Clarity

Water clarity is measured using a Secchi Disk, a round plate that’s painted black and white. The disk is attached to a rope and is lowered into the lake until it’s at a depth where it can no longer be seen. This is called the ‘Secchi depth’. The higher the Sechi depth reading, the clearer is the water.  In Ontario’s inland lakes, 55% register a Secchi depth greater than 4 metres; 39% register a Secchi depth of between 2 and 4 metres; and 6% measure less than 2 metres.  In Palmerston Lake,  Secchi depths are usually above 5 metres according to MCVA Integrated Monitoring Reports.

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